Grief &
Grief and Bereavement
The emotional turmoil and suffering you feel when someone you love is taken away is a natural response to loss.
Often the grief can become overwhelming and you may experience a wide range of difficult or unexpected emotions including shock, profound sadness, frustration, depression and even guilt. This can also have an impact on your physical health and make it hard to think straight or sleep and eat.
All of these reactions of grief are normal, and the more significant the loss the more intense your grief will be. You may feel loneliness and need reassurance that these feelings are completely normal and you are not alone.
Coming to terms with and learning to live with losing someone you love is one of the biggest challenges you will face in your life, and is not always triggered by a death. Grief and bereavement can occur as the result of:
A relationship breakdown, including friendships
Loss of health
Losing a job or financial stability, or retirement
Loss of a pet
Dealing with a loved ones serious illness
Even small losses can trigger a feeling of grief. What ever your loss, it is deeply personal and often triggered at random, unexplained times, even when you feel that you are ‘living well’ with it. Friends mean well but can say inappropriate statements that trigger you. It helps to have a neutral person to talk to in grief.
Whatever the cause of your grief, there are healthly ways to learn to cope with the pain and come to terms with your loss. You can find new meaning and eventually be able to live with it and move on with life, whilst not forgetting who or what you lost .
I can walk next to you through these stages of grief and bereavement.