Readings for Healing
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Bereavement
- Burnout
- Depression
- Depression symptoms
- Grief
- Grieving
- Loss
- Low grade depression
- Low level depression
- Mental Health
- Mood disorder
- Overwhelmed at Work
- Persistant Depressive Disorder
- Personal Growth
- Self Care
- Signs of emotional disengagement
- Stress Management
- Transformation
- What is talk therapy
- anxiety
- anxiety counsellor
- balanced life
- breakthroughs
- can i trust again
- can i trust my partner again
- can trust be fixed
- counselling
- counselling and breakthroughs
- counselling for women
- counselling work
- counsellor
- counsellor geelong
- couples connection
- couples counselling
- couples counsellor ocean grove
- couples goals
- couples needs
- couples talk therapy
- covid anxiety
- depression
- depression help
- do i need a counsellor
- emotional change
- emotional growth
- emotional help
- emotional suffering
- family issues
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The couples process. Pt 1.
What is involved in couples counselling ? Some idea of the emotional journey you will take.
Help! I am feeling stuck.
Many clients see me because they are feeling stuck in life. What does this mean?
Relationship white-out.
Are you in a relationship fog, lost your bearings or can’t tell up from down?
Why talk therapy helps.
This article will help you understand talk therapy more. This type of therapy may be all you need.
Case Study - Anxiety
It has been a time filled with anxiety for many. Repeated lockdowns and restrictions have effected us all. Here is one clients story where she sought help.
Life lessons
What life lessons have you learnt? Maybe some of these resonate or you might consider them for the future.
Trust in relationships. Can it be regained?
Last year I had a client who came to me seeking clarity and direction with her personal life choices. She was married but three years beforehand, her husband had betrayed her by being unfaithful, emotionally and physically.
The reason for emotional pain
It is a message and it is time to be kind to yourself and listen.
Top three reasons I love being a Counsellor.
There are several reasons I was drawn to this role and am passionate about it. But there’s three that will keep me going until I am old and grey and women are still seeking me out.
Do you have low level depression?
If you have been feeling a number of these symptoms for a long period of time you may have undiagnosed low level depression. Diagnostically known as persistent depressive disorder.
Why you should have a Counsellor already.
It takes time to find the right counsellor for you. Don’t leave it until you are suffering deeply to find yours. Being proactive with your mental wellbeing will save you anxiety in the future.
Living in the past
VIDEO: Are you at a place in life where you cannot seem to move forward? The reality is you need to truly let go of your old self before you are capable of true, permanent and lasting change.
Creating a Positive Feedback Loop
Even though we know we should, letting go of bad habits and internal processes of the mind that no longer serve you can be challenging.
Hello from Caroline
VIDEO: At Courage Couch the most important thing is that you walk in and immediately feel that you can breathe out and that you’re in a safe place. Part of that is giving you an idea of the space in which we will work, and just how you can get in contact with me.
Bright Living Plans
VIDEO: Renaming self care because its not just a wellness headline. For those with depression and anxiety it can mean the difference between having the beast run wild in your head (and your life) or feeling a sense of calm and control.
Here are some that should be on you plan and some that are on mine. From journaling to community work and what to do if you fall off the path.
Inner World vs Outer Mask
VIDEO: If your inner world, thoughts, views and values are not matching how you're presenting yourself to the world you could be feeling turmoil within yourself. How do you realign your goals with your soul ?
Case Study – Grief/Bereavement
Phoebe, a 58 year old, married mother of three came to me after 7 months of her mother passing away. She had also lost her father a year before that.
She was very quietly spoken but did manage to share in our first session that she was still distraught over both of them and unable to function well for a length of time. Thoughts of both her parents would then crowd her mind.
How do you embrace transformation and personal growth?
Miranda is 40 years old, has never married but has recently met a guy and started a relationship. She works full time in retail.
In my first session with Miranda she shared that she was feeling stuck in life, lost, and like time was passing her by. Like she was no longer “living” life but rather in a holding pattern.
Case Study – Stress Management and Burnout
Delia is a 58 year old Senior Manager in Healthcare. She came to me after having been off work on sick leave for three days. She said she was dreading returning and believed she was suffering workplace stress. She had a very demanding job and worked on a shift roster.
In the first two sessions she outlined her symptoms and opened up about her feelings. She said she was in a constant state of exhaustion and “hated everything” about her job. She had physical symptoms of an upset stomach and was grinding her teeth at night and had a sore jaw.