Couples Talk Therapy

Couples Counselling

Couples therapy provides a space to gain a better understanding of your partner and yourself as well as a space to work through issues and heal past hurts, regain feelings of partnership, closeness, trust, validation and commitment. This generally involves learning a new way of looking at relationships where both partners are involved in self-growth and supporting their partner to grow.

Early relationships from our family of origin and with our primary care-givers, usually our parents, set the blueprint for our future relationships. We have “programmed” expectations and ways of reacting to our partner that can result in difficulties. Families have different “rules of engagement” and these unconscious behaviours can create misunderstanding and a type of “mind reading” called projection. Once understood, you can learn new ways of relating that support both intimacy and individual growth.

Counselling can help a couple to:

  • understand the relationship they currently share and how they feel about each other

  • rediscover why they were attracted in the first place

  • find out what they want from their relationship and from each other

  • consider how both parties contribute to the current relationship

  • identify what they are prepared to do to make the relationship work.

Counsellors don't make judgements on who is right or wrong; they don't tell clients what to do; and they don't try to persuade people to stay together or to separate.


1 hour session $190

90min session $260

Click Book Online in the menu above. LGBTQ+ friendly.