Why you should have a Counsellor already.
Most people already have a doctor, hairdresser, nail technician, personal trainer or physio in their contacts list. You should also have a personal counsellor. Heres why.
Looking after your emotional and mental wellbeing is just as important as looking after your physical wellbeing. This has been well established over the last decade with more education and acceptance of mental health issues and self-care awareness. Basically it is best to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to mental health and wellbeing, and that includes knowing which professional to call on.
Counsellors, who provide talk therapy are someone you may need on a regular weekly basis for say management of stress, or it may come in bursts and pauses during episodes or crisis. Rather than wait until you’re suffering deeply and in an anxious state to find one, I’d find yours now while you have more time and a calm state of mind to make the best choice for you.
Finding the right fit for you can actually take weeks or months as you are not going to click with every therapist. And I am by no means saying “pick me!”, but it is really important you find that one you do connect with. It also takes time to secure an appointment with some, it could be weeks of waiting, and you may have to go away from your local area particularly if you seek privacy. So it makes sense to get that name in your contacts list now.
Finding your counsellor will involve some research. A few avenues are:
Ask for a suitable name off your GP.
Google counsellors in your area and look at their qualifications, experience, reviews, website, articles etc.
Ask friends and family about someone they may have used.
Contact professional counselling directories and associations for names in your area.
Once you have a name I would suggest securing and going to at least one appointment with the counsellor to ascertain if you two are a good fit. I believe there is always something on our minds we need to discuss anyway, use this as an opportunity to download. And if you feel you didn’t connect then you can try somebody else.
I realise this is asking of your time and finances but I believe the investment now is absolutely worth it. Then when you do need somebody you’ve already done the legwork and have a number to call straight away. Also, that therapist already knows you and your background, the initial paperwork is out of the way, you’re on their system and you may get an appointment sooner.
Good luck on your search! The right counsellor is out there for everybody.