With a new year - yay its 2024! - comes the desire for new adventures and new ways of doing things. It is a great time for transformation and fresh planning. Especially if there has been a ‘stuck feeling’ or absence of joy in your life or your relationship of late. Perhaps you need to reinvigorate yourself, find new passions or resuscitate your love life.

It is important you don’t wallow in this place of ‘stuckness’ too long or it can lead to low level depression or irritability with a loved one. If you recognise this is what is going on be proactive and seek help or begin taking action yourself to produce different outcomes. The beautiful aspect of TRANSFORMATION is that the side effect is JOY.

Are you getting that ? TRANSFORMATION = JOY.

How? because all those feel good hormones and neurotransmitters like serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins are released when you do something new or connect with another person. So it naturally relieves anxiety and depression.

It is hard to know where to begin though. What needs changing and how do you change? What are you passionate about? How do you talk to your partner about your feelings? It can be overwhelming making a start. It helps to be able to talk it through to land on what the issue is or area that needs work. And then to stay motivated as you put plans in place and take the initial steps its good to have your cheer squad. Tap into friends or book into talk therapy as its very hard to make big changes, and have them last on your own.

Women and couples come and see me when they’re stuck and we begin to peel back the layers of why and what. And being a ‘solutions focussed’ therapist I then help them come up with a way forward with actual ideas, goals or techniques. And I give out homework! Which is often exactly the push they need, to be kept accountable and given some responsibility in their actions to do immediately.


Relationship white-out.