Readings for Healing
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Bereavement
- Burnout
- Depression
- Depression symptoms
- Grief
- Grieving
- Loss
- Low grade depression
- Low level depression
- Mental Health
- Mood disorder
- Overwhelmed at Work
- Persistant Depressive Disorder
- Personal Growth
- Self Care
- Signs of emotional disengagement
- Stress Management
- Transformation
- What is talk therapy
- anxiety
- anxiety counsellor
- balanced life
- breakthroughs
- can i trust again
- can i trust my partner again
- can trust be fixed
- counselling
- counselling and breakthroughs
- counselling for women
- counselling work
- counsellor
- counsellor geelong
- couples connection
- couples counselling
- couples counsellor ocean grove
- couples goals
- couples needs
- couples talk therapy
- covid anxiety
- depression
- depression help
- do i need a counsellor
- emotional change
- emotional growth
- emotional help
- emotional suffering
- family issues
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Help! I am feeling stuck.
Many clients see me because they are feeling stuck in life. What does this mean?
Life lessons
What life lessons have you learnt? Maybe some of these resonate or you might consider them for the future.
Hello from Caroline
VIDEO: At Courage Couch the most important thing is that you walk in and immediately feel that you can breathe out and that you’re in a safe place. Part of that is giving you an idea of the space in which we will work, and just how you can get in contact with me.
Case Study – Stress Management and Burnout
Delia is a 58 year old Senior Manager in Healthcare. She came to me after having been off work on sick leave for three days. She said she was dreading returning and believed she was suffering workplace stress. She had a very demanding job and worked on a shift roster.
In the first two sessions she outlined her symptoms and opened up about her feelings. She said she was in a constant state of exhaustion and “hated everything” about her job. She had physical symptoms of an upset stomach and was grinding her teeth at night and had a sore jaw.
Blocked Anger
VIDEO: Blocked anger can lead to depression, anxiety or stress. Perhaps you’re ignoring or numbing these feelings which leads to harm. Seeing a counsellor and starting to share these feelings can be helpful for better communication in your relationships.